Nora is writing about her future plans in her diary. Look at the table in Part A1. Help Nora complete her diary entry.
Dcar Diary,
Today Amy and I talkeci about our future plans.
I would like to be a SOCial worker whcn I grow up.
I am always kind to people. I have many friends at school. I like to (1)meet a lot of people and make (2) friends with them. I can (3)listen to people carefully and help them with their (4)problems. I will be happy if I can make othcr people (5)happy.
小编推荐: 译林版八年级上册英语Unit7 Task A部分课文翻译译林版八年级上册英语Unit8 Integrated skills & Study skills部分课文翻译译林版八年级上册英语Unit1 Welcome to the unit A部分课文翻译
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