1 -Eddie,aren't you getting bored with staying at home all day?
1 埃迪,你整天待在家里,难道不无聊吗?
2 -No. If you're as busy as I am,you won't get bored.
2 是的。如果你像我一样忙,你不会变得无聊。
-Busy? But you have nothing to do!
3 -You're wrong! In the moming,lwatch sports on TV. Then I have lunch. And then, of course, I need a little sleep.
3 你错了!上午,我在电视上看体育节目。然后我吃午饭。然后,当然,我需要小睡一会。
4 -After that,it's dinner time, A dog's work is never done!
Your own TV programme
The Class 1,Grade 9 students enjoy watching TV. They are creating their own TV drama scripts for a competition.
Create your own TV drama script with an interesting story.
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