Millie is reading about Kitty's and Daniel's lifestyles. Here are their articles.
What we eat and how we live
Hi! My name is Kitty. I love dancing. I dance for half an hour every day.
Healthy food is important for me. I need to keep fit. I always have milk and bread for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, I usually eat fish and vegetables.
Sometimes I feel hungry between meals, so I eat an apple or a pear. I seldom eat cakes or sweets. They have too much sugar and are bad for my teeth.
Hello! I am Daniel. I like playing computer games. I seldom exercise. I love hamburgers and cola,but they are not healthy.
I need to change my lifestyle now. I plan to eat more fruit and vegetables every day. I love beef, but I also need to eat some fish. There is a swimming pool near my home. I plan to go swimming every week.
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