Millie is writing about seasons of the year. Help her complete her article with the words in the poem on page 82.
Seasons of the year
In winter,white (1)snow covers the xvhole earth. It is often very cold and the (2)temperature can drop below zero.
The weather is nice in spring. A xvindy day is (3) perfect for flying a kite. (4) Bees and butterflies play among flowers. Then they (5) hide away when the April showers come.
People often have sweet (6) memories of summer days. They go swimming and eat (7)ice cream. They like to play by quiet (8)streams or under the (9) shade of trces.
When autumn comes, the (10) leaves turn brown and (11) fall into piles upon the ground. Farmers are busy harvesting (12)crops. Soon it will be a new year once again.
小编推荐: 译林版八年级上册英语Unit2 Grammar B部分课文翻译译林版八年级上册英语Unit5 Reading B1部分课文翻译译林版八年级上册英语Unit1 Reading B4部分课文翻译
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