Millie is thinking about herself,her friends and TV programmes. Help her choose the correct forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
1 If I(go, will go) to the Reading Club this afternoon,I (do not have,may not have) any time to watch TV.
2 If Simon (gets, will get) home too late, he (misses,will miss) his favourite cartoon.
3 If Amy (completes, will complete) all her homework quickly, she (watches, will watch) the chat show.
4 If Daniel(takes, will take) part in the game show, he(wins,might win)a prize.
5 If Sandy ( finds, will find) a programme interesting,she(introduces, will introduce) it to us.
Work out the rule!
We often use the simple present(future, present) tense in the if-clause. We need a comma (comma, full stop)after the if-clause when it is the first part of a sentence.
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