Mr Friend is writing a report on Nora's visit Help him complete the report. Use the information on page 43 to help you.
Norais one of the (1)_____in her class at Sunshine Mddle SchooL Her favourite subjects are (2)_____ ,(3)_____and (4)_____.
Nora does well in exams,but she still has some problems. She is not very good at sports. She cannot (5)_____and hates (6)_____. Also,sometimes her classmates (7)_____ her and call her a a bookworm This makes her feel bad.
I told her what to do in PE class. She should just (8)_____and (9)_____ .I also told her to (10)_____the classmates who laugh at her.
Now Nora seems much happier than before. She still finds sport difficult,but she can talk to her best friend Betty when she feels sad and share (11)_____with her. She should be (12)_____her schoolwork.
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