Daniel wants to tell his online friend Tommy about colours. Help him complete his email using that,i f or whether.
Dear Tommy,
Have you ever noticed the colours around you? Colours are really interesting. A report says (1)that blue can help us feel relaxed because it represents peace. You may wonder (2) if it represents anything else. Yes. Blue also means sadness.I do not know (3)if you like green Some people think (4) that green can give us energy,but it also represents envy. Did you know (5) that red represents good luck in China? It is often used for celebrations! Please tell me your favourite colour and (6)if you know anything else about colours. Write back soon.
Best wishes,
小编推荐: 译林版九年级上册英语Unit1 Grammar B1部分课文翻译译林版九年级上册英语Unit1 Grammar B部分课文翻译译林版九年级上册英语Unit1 Grammar A部分课文翻译
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