1. The low temperature _froze_(freeze) my flowers. 低温把我的花冻死了。
2. The bank _froze_ (freeze) my credit card account after I reported it stolen. 在我报失信用卡后,银行冻结了我的信用卡户头。
3. He _froze_ (freeze) while waiting for the bus during the snowstorm. 他在暴风雪里等车时冻得要死。
4. The new owners, familiar with his situation, _froze_(freeze) his rent and agreed to let him live there until he dies. 房子的新主人了解他的处境,冻结了他的房租,并答应让他在有生之年继续住在那里。
1. She thawed out the _frozen_(freeze) meat in the microwave oven. 她用微波炉将冻肉化开。
2. Every day she reconstitutes the _frozen_(freeze) orange juice by adding water. 她每天把冰冻的橘子汁加水使成原状。
3. _Frozen_(freeze) products should show no signs of thawing. 冷冻产品应显示没有解冻的迹象。
4. The food had _frozen_(freeze) solid. 食物已经冻成固体了。
5. Around the world, credit had _frozen_(freeze) and trade was grinding to a halt. 全球的信贷冻结,贸易几乎瘫痪。
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