1,Why not go to the playground? 为什么不去操场?
2,Why do you like Chinese food? 你为什么喜欢中国食物?
3,Why does he like this subject? 他为什么喜欢这门学科?
4,Why do they want to go to school? 他们为什么想去上学?
5,Why are there many differences between them? 他们之间为什么会有这么多的差异呢?
6,Why didn't you see this film? 你为什么不看这部电影?
7,Why don't you go to work? 你为什么不去工作?
8,Why are you going to there? 你为什么准备去那?
9,Why the sky is blue? 为什么天空是蓝色的?
10,Why don't you bring your coat? 你为什么不把外套带着?
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