1. Should we be _worried_(worry)? 我们应该担心吗?
2. After handing in all the translation yesterday, I felt kind of _worried_(worry). 昨天交了稿以后,心里感到忐忑不安。
3. She was ill yesterday, which made her mother very _worried_(worry). 她昨天病了,这使她母亲特别很是忧虑。
4. We would be _worried_(worry) if they delayed any further. 如果他们进一步推迟,我们可能会担心。
5. I _worried_(worry) she needed the company of more normal people. 我感到担忧,她需要更多正常人的陪伴。
1. It only occurs to us later that they might have been _worried_(worry) because they were waiting for important test results. 只有在后来我们才发现,他焦虑可能是因为他在等待一个非常重要的考试的结果。
2. I have been _worried_(worry) about your health these days. 这些天来,我一直在担心你的健康。
3. I have been _worried_(worry) about my daughter staying up so late recently. 最近我的女儿睡得很晚令我担心。
4. I had been _worried_(worry) about the exam for ages, so I was glad when it was all over. 这次考试已让我担心很久,因此考完后我很开心。
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