1. She _picked_(pick) some flowers from the garden. 她从花园里采摘了一些鲜花。
2. We only _picked_(pick) out the ten best replies for interviews.And yours is just among them. 我们只挑选了十位最优秀的申请人来参加面谈,你的材料是其中之一。
3. Simon _picked_(pick) the toy up and squeezed it. 西蒙拿起这只玩具紧紧地把它握紧。
4. I _picked_(pick) this restaurant because I wanted to be alone. 我挑中这家餐馆,因为我希望我们能单独在一起。
5. He never _picked_(pick) up his socks. 他从来不收拾他的袜子。
1. These stories have been _picked_(pick) up by magazines and television stations and have continued to circulate even after being proven untrue. 尽管已经证实这些故事都是假的,但杂志和电视台仍在报导,并不断地传来传去。
2. Once all items have been _picked_(pick), the customer's payment is processed and the system displays the shipping details to enable the order picker to dispatch the items. 提取了所有货物后,将处理客户的支付,系统将显示运输详细信息,以便订单提货员派送物品。
3. The best students have been _picked_(pick) out. 最好的学生已挑选好了。
4. All the best apples have been _picked_(pick) off by the children. 最好的苹果都给孩子们摘掉了。
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