1. All the trees _planted_(plant) last year have survived. 去年栽的树全都活了。
2. These two rows of trees are _planted_(plant) too close together. 这两行树栽得太密了。
3. In the city, in our school campus, everywhere is surrounded with roses which we together _planted_(plant) 4 years ago. 在这座城市,在我们的校园,到处都是玫瑰朵朵,这是4年前我们共同栽培的。
4. And what about all those perennials she _planted_(plant)? 还有,她栽种的那些多年生植物该怎么办呢?
5. The current National Christmas Tree was _planted_(plant) on the Ellipse in 1978. 现在的这棵国家圣诞树是1978年在椭圆广场栽种的。
1. We will have to redouble our loving care of the saplings that have just been _planted_(plant). 对刚栽下的小树,我们要倍加爱护。
2. I'm excited when I see that new trees have been _planted_(plant) on our street by people in our neighborhood. 当看见街坊们在我们房子坐落的街道上栽种新树木,我会很兴奋。
3. Lots of evergreen trees have been _planted_(plant) along the roads. 街道两边种了很多常青树。
4. More and more trees have been _planted_(plant) on the hill. 越来越多的树已经栽到小山了。
5. With the more realizing of people of Schima Superba , it not only have been _planted_(plant) largely, but also arose the attention of more operator of forest. 随着人们对木荷特性的认识的不断加深,它不仅被大面积的种植栽培,而且也引起了广大林业工作者的关注。
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