1. He oversold the part I _played_(play) in the new film. 他对我在新影片中扮演的角色过分称赞了。
2. The band _played_(play) excellent music at the children's show. 这家乐团在儿童演出会上演奏了极好的音乐。
3. We looked at each other and _played_(play) outside in the yard. 我们彼此对望,在外面的院子里玩耍。
4. Every sunday, they _played_(play) volleyball in the park. 每个周日他们在公园打排球。
5. We took the kids outside more, and _played_(play) with them. 我们带孩子出去和陪他们玩耍的时间多了。
1. I have never _played_(play) with anyone quite like him. 我从不曾和像他一样的人在一起演奏过。
2. Games played with curved sticks and a ball have been _played_(play) for thousands of years. 一根弯曲的短棒,一个球,这种运动已经持续了数千年。
3. It is the stage upon which some of racing's greatest dramas have been _played_(play) out. 在这条赛道上,曾经上演过最具戏剧性的几幕。
4. Cycles of speculation and success followed by a cycle of depression have been _played_(play) out in the past under these influences. 经济萧条循环后,投机和成功的循环在这些影响下,在过去已经结束。
5. How much do you think your personality and speciality have been _played_(play)? 你的个人能力及特长是否得到了发挥?
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