1. The spy _sent_ (send) his message in code. 这个间谍用密码发送情报。
2. When we arrived he _sent_ (send) out for some bread and milk to a local restaurant. 我们到了后,他让附近的餐馆送来一些面包和牛奶。
3. What data is _sent_ (send) to this service and back from this service? 向此服务发送什么数据,以及从此服务接收什么数据?
4. That's what the people who _sent_ (send) us here expect of us. 这是那些把我们送到这里的人们所期望的。
5. I _sent_ (send) him a present in return for his help. 我送给他一份礼物以回报他的帮助。
1. China has _sent_ (send) her delegates to the conference. 中国已派遣她的代表出席会议。
2. My men have been _sent_ (send) everywhere to hound out the bastard. 我已派了手下人到各处去捉住那个混蛋。
3. The invitations have been _sent_ (send). 这份邀请早已被寄出。
4. The athletes have been _sent_ (send) to a new training center. 运动员们被送到新的新的训练中心。
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