1. Look, the warm sunlight was _shone_(shine) on windowsill, and a new day has begun once more. 看,温暖的阳光照在了窗台上,新的一天又开始了。
2. It was made of tin and _shone_(shine) like a star. 这朵花是由锡制成的,如星光一样闪亮。
3. It was when challenged that he _shone_(shine) brightest. 这是挑战时,他照耀着最亮的。
4. But this year the sun _shone_(shine). The music was great, the crowds happy. 但是今年夏天的时候,阳光明媚,音乐很棒,每个人都很开心。
1. The great bright yellow sun had _shone_(shine) all day, and now the day was coming to an end. 跟读
2. He could see down the plughole, so the sun must have _shone_(shine). 他连排水孔下面也看得见,一定是太阳光顾过。
3. Looking at Dali's artistic life, the light of genius had _shone_(shine) more than half a century. 纵观达利的艺术生崖,天才的光芒金子般的闪烁着,荣誉、财富、和艺术成就都达到了当时的巅峰。
4. Have you _shone_(shine) your boots? 你皮靴擦过没有?
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