1. She _showed_(show) great courage. 她那时表现得十分勇敢。
2. He _showed_(show) me the results. 他向我展示他的成果。
3. I remained calm and _showed_(show) her another dish. 我镇静自若,并向她展示另一道菜。
4. In fact, this is exactly what our results _showed_(show). 实际上,这正是我们的结果显示的。
5. She _showed_(show) the foreign visitors round the factory. 她领着外宾参观了工厂。
2过去分词:showed 或 shown
1. The story was _shown_(show) to be false. 那项报道已被证明为不真实。
2. She has _shown_(show) no abnormality in intelligence or in disposition. 她在智力或性情上都未显示出任何反常。
3. However some studies have _shown_ (show) the opposite to be true. 然而也有些研究表明相反的结论才是对的。
4. If not, the information will not be _shown_(show). 如果没有,该信息将不会显示。
5. But plenty of other studies have _shown_(show) no such relationship. 但很多其它研究显示这样的关系并不存在。
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