1. The rain had cleared the air, and the grass _smelt_(smell) fresh and sweet. 雨水净化了空气, 青草闻起来清新芳香。
2. It _smelt_(smell) really good and I felt very relaxed afterwards. 这闻起来真的非常好,后来我觉得很放松。
3. I _smelt_(smell) smoke! 我闻到了烟味!
4. I _smelt_(smell) something burning in the next room. 我闻到隔壁房间有烧焦的味道。
1. He asked me if I had _smelt_(smell) freedom coming, but I just said it made me sad. 他问我有没有呼吸到自由的气味,我说我只觉得伤感。
2. Other passengers said they too had _smelt_(smell) burning, but this had been traced to a minor electrical fault on the plane. 其他乘客表示,他们都闻到了物体燃烧时的气味,但最后证实这是由于飞机上的一个小电器出了毛病。
3. Have you _smelt_(smell) that cheese? It's bad. 你闻过那奶酪了吗?好像变质了。
4. Believe me. It seems I have _smelt_(smell) some aroma. 你别说。我好像真闻到了。
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