1. The bell _sounded_(sound) at six o'clock for dinner. 6点钟时响起了用晚餐的铃声。
2. His voice on the phone _sounded-(sound) familiar to me. 他在电话上的声音我听起来很熟悉。
3. This result is more melodic than the previous example, which _sounded_(sound) a bit like a rhythm section. 这个结果比前一个例子旋律更动听,它听起来有一些像节奏片段。
4. Her voice began what _sounded_(sound) like a soft howl. 她开始说话,听起来好似轻柔的呼叫。
5. It _sounded_(sound) incredible in common. 乍一听来, 简直不可思议。
1. Tsunami warnings have been _sounded_(sound) in an area affecting about a quarter of the globe. 海啸警报已经在一个影响了全球大约四分之一的地区响起了。
2. He tried to remember what it had _sounded_(sound) like before, but instead he remembered her songs. 他试图记起从前的声音,但是却听到她的歌。
3. His voice had _sounded_(sound) sharp. 他的声音听起来尖锐响亮。
4. Hitoshi's mother had died a year earlier and his father had _sounded_(sound) old and tired. 仁的母亲在前一年去世了,他父亲听上去苍老而疲惫。
5. No noise had _sounded_(sound) since the first knocks. 第一次敲门之后,就再没听到声音。
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