1. I dived in when the game _started_(start). 游戏开始时我就参加进去了。
2. The mules suddenly _started_(start) braying. 那些骡突然开始叫了。
3. The firm _started_(start) him out as a salesman. 那家公司一开始雇他做推销员。
4. They bulldozed trees and rubbles from the area and _started_(start) construction. 他们用推土机清除掉这地区的树木和瓦砾然后开始建设。
5. When the rain _started_(start), we dashed for cover. 开始下雨时,我们奔跑着找避雨的地方。
1. Though the cause is still under investigation, the fire may have been _started_(start) by people, said the incident report. 事故报告说,虽然原因目前仍不明了,但是有可能山火是由人引起的。
2. Winning businesses have been _started_(start) by people of every type. 每一种人都有可能创业并取得成功。
3. Note here that a number of activities have been _started_(start). 注意已经有很多活动被开启了。
4. I have been _started_(start) in his firm for ten years. 我受雇在他的公司工作,已经有十年了。
5. A lot of the studies should never have been _started_(start) or published. 许多研究原本就不应该开始或发表。
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