1. He nipped in and _took_ (take) my bag back. 他飞快地跑了进去,拿回了我的背包。
2. It _took_ (take) me half an hour to hale the heavy box down the stairs. 我费了半个小时的工夫才把那只重箱子拖到楼下。
3. We _took_ (take) measures to undergird the ship. 我们采取措施将船的底部加固。
4. He _took_ (take) several books off the shelf. 他从书架上取下几本书。
5. She _took_ take) a pear and bit into it. 她拿起一只梨,一口咬下去。
1. He admitted to having _taken_ (take) the money. 他承认拿了那笔钱。
2. Measures must be _taken_ (take) to meet the situation. 必须采取措施以应付这种局面。
3. She has _taken_ (take) part in a major battle for oil. 她曾经参加过石油大会战。
4. I was _taken_ (take) to a chamber for sweating. 我被带到了刑讯室去进行拷问。
5. We have _taken_ (take) the broadcast on a tape. 我们已经把广播录到了磁带上。
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