1. Do you see what my children have _taught_ (teach) me? 你现在知道我的孩子教会了我什么吗?
2. He _taught_ (teach) me how to swim. 他教我怎样游泳。
3. What have they _taught_ (teach) you? 他们教给你什么?
4. He _taught_ (teach) me how to improve my English. 他教我如何使我的英语有进步。
5. He _taught_ (teach) me not to surrender. 他教会我不要屈服。
1. She has _taught_ (teach) us since I came to this school. 自从我来到这所学校,她一直教我们。
2. These students have been _taught_ (teach) the value of editing. 这些学生已经被教会了编辑的价值观。
3. In the past, schools have _taught_ (teach) children how to solve known problems with known methods, a process that encourages them to reason in established ways. 过去,学校教学生用已知的方法解决已知的问题,鼓励学生用已经确立的方式进行推理。
4. Some of my closest relatives have _taught_ (teach) foreign languages, but I've always considered myself a hopeless case. 我的一些亲人就是从事外语教学工作的,但我却完全不是那块料,对此我深信不疑。
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