1. He _told_(tell) us when to eat. 他告诉我们什么时候吃饭。
2. After I _told_(tell) her the news, she stared at me in astonishment. 我把消息告诉她之后,她惊骇得睁大了眼睛盯着我。
3. He wrote and _told_(tell) me about this. 他写信告诉了我这件事。
4. The story my mother _told_(tell) me when I was young is fictitious. 小时候妈妈对我讲的那个故事是虚构的。
5. They _told_(tell) me that you have made up your mind. 他们告诉我说你已经下决心了。
1. These students have been _told_(tell) to work out the price of a common consumer item. 这些学生已被告知要制定出一个共同的消费项目的价格。
2. Bank supervisors have been _told_(tell) to encourage banks to do so. 银行监管者也被告知,要鼓励银行这样做。
3. This winter, North Koreans have been _told_(tell) to achieve food self-sufficiency by their own efforts. 这个冬天里,朝鲜人民被号召要通过自己的努力完成粮食的自给。
4. Cashiers have been _told_(tell) to check the age of any cracker shopper who looks under 16. 收银员已经被告知核对任何看似低于16岁以下年龄的顾客。
5. Nothing, we have been _told_(tell) these years, is more educative than participating in or listening to an exchange of opinion. 这些年来我们都感到没有什么比参加一个讨论或听听别人的思想交流更有教育意义的了。
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