1. I _woke_ (wake) early,but couldn't get back to sleep. 我早就醒了,后来再也睡不着了。
2. She was already in bed, but I _woke_(wake) her up anyway. 当时她已经上床睡了,但我无论如何还是叫醒了她。
3. The next day he _woke_ (wake) with the sun. His eyes searched for the horse, and there it was, grazing. 第二天日出时他醒了过来,马上就用目光寻找那匹马,还好,它就站在那里,正吃着草呢。
4. And if he _woke_(wake) asking the same question? 而且如果他醒来了也问同一个问题?
5. This morning, we _woke_ (wake) up. 到了早上我们醒来。
1. I feel as if I had _waken_ (wake) from a nightmare. 我觉得好像刚从噩梦中醒来。
2. He said angrily for I had _waken_ (wake) him up. That happened a second time. 他生气地说,因为我吵醒了他。
3. He was _waken_ (wake) on the other side of the phone. He was annoyed and rejected her. 电话那头的他从睡梦中醒来,不耐烦的敷衍她。
4. Lose not a chance to _waken_ (wake) love. 别错失了唤醒爱的良机。
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