1. The men had drilled all day and _wanted_(want) a rest. 人们已练习了一整天了,想休息了。
2. I _wanted_(want) him to be comfortable with me. 我希望他和我在一起时感觉舒服。
3. I would have soon found the one I _wanted_(want) if the books had kept in order. 如果书籍摆放整齐了,我本可以很快就会找到我想要的那本书了。
4. I loved her and _wanted_(want) to be with her, but I understood her reservations. 我爱她,希望和她在一起,但我能够理解她的保留态度。
5. Not everyone _wanted_(want) to go to college. 不是每个人都想进大学读书。
1. That is a beautiful country, I have always been _wanted_(want) to visit. 那是很美的国度,我一直很想去那里。
2. I have had so much that I have been _wanted_(want) to write here on my blog for the past few days, but things just keep getting busier and busier! 这几天我有许多想在我的博客上与你们分享,但我最近越来越忙。
3. We have been loved them and _wanted_(want) to communicate with them. 我们深爱着我们的亲人,我们还希望与他们交流。
4. I had _wanted_(want) everything bad to happen to her, but no one deserves that. 我曾希望一切不幸都降临于她,可是,没有人应该受到这样的惩罚啊。
5. She had _wanted_(want) to know what she should have done in her particular situation, not that there are things that are not done. 她想知道,在她那特殊的环境下她该何以为之,这并不是说那些没有得到解答的事情。
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