1. On the first day he went to school, the boy _wore_(wear) his school cap proudly. 上学的第一天,男孩骄傲地戴上了他的校帽。
2. She never _wore_(wear) it. 她从没有穿过它。
3. He _wore_(wear) a woolen vest beneath his shirt. 他在衬衫里面穿了件毛背心。
4. He _wore_(wear) a new tie to go with his suit. 他戴了一条新领带与他的西服协调。
5. Thanks. Susan gave it to me. She _wore_(wear) it on her first audition. 谢谢,是苏珊给我的。她第一次试镜的时候穿着它。
1. Amongst the shoes stood a pair of red ones, like those which the princess had _worn_(wear). 在这许多鞋子之中有一双红鞋,它跟公主所穿的那双一模一样。
2. In medieval Europe the caps and gowns _worn_(wear) by the accademic community were in black. 在中世纪的欧洲,学者所戴的帽子和所穿的衣服都是黑色的。
3. The trousers have _worn_(wear) thin. 裤子已经穿得磨薄了。
4. This beaded crown was once _worn_(wear) by a king of the Yorba peoples in Nigeria. It also dates from the early 20th century. 这件艺术品是尼日利亚约鲁巴人国王曾经戴过的一顶王冠,它也是在20世纪初期创作的。
5. In Asia both women and men have long _worn_(wear) pants for warmth, comfort, and convenience. 在亚洲,女人和男人很久以来就穿裤子以保暖,或者为了舒适和便利。
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