1,Which student is the smartest in the class? 在班里哪个学生是最聪明的?
2,Which is your book? 哪一本是你的书?
3,Which one is right? 哪一个是正确的的?
4,Which book is yours? 哪一本书是你的?
5,Which class are you in? 你在哪个班级?
6,Which one you choose is right? 你选择的哪一个是对的?
7,Which is Mike's timetable? 哪一份迈克的课程表?
8,Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?
9,Which book does Zhangpeng like best? 张鹏最喜欢哪本书?
10,Which monkey is the most strong? 哪只猴子最强壮?
11,Which one is the real one? 哪一个才是真的?
12,Which color do you like? 你喜欢哪种颜色?
13,Which student do you teach? 哪个学生是你教的?
14,Which car is more expensive? 哪辆车是更昂贵的?
15,Which song do you like best? 哪首歌你最喜欢?
16,Which may be found in over 25 million American homes? 在超过两千五百万的美国家庭里,哪个会被选中呢?
17,Which is the way to the undergroud? 去地铁要走哪条路?
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