1. They _drove_ (drive) along the beach. 他们驾车沿海滨行驶。
2. He _drove_ (drive) me to the airport. 他开车送我到机场。
3. For the next two hours, we _drove_ (drive) through the city. 接下来的两个小时,我们开车穿过了整个城市。
4. I _drove_ (drive) home with the dog on the front seat beside me. 我开车带小狗回家,它就坐在我旁边的位置上。
5. The next day, we _drove_ (drive) inland. 第二天,我们乘车开往内陆。
1. My friend who had _driven_(drive) me there was waiting still. 开车载我到机场的朋友一直在一旁等着。
2. She had _driven_(drive) him to work shortly before the explosion. 爆炸发生前不久她曾驾车送她的丈夫去上班。
3. Phyllis was there. She had _driven_(drive) up from Maryland the night before, with her son Robert. 菲利斯也在她在前一天晚上和她的儿子罗伯特一起从马里兰开车过来。
4. Suchen never understood what had _driven_(drive) her to grasp the oar at the last moment. 苏晨从来没有想明白,是什么驱使她在最后一刻抓住了一条船桨。
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