1. I _felt_ (feel) tears well up in my eyes. 我感到眼泪涌出我的双眼。
2. I _felt_ (feel) lonesome in the strange land. 在那陌生的地方我觉得寂寞。
3. I _felt_ (feel) muddled up when I came to the new class. 当我来到新的班上时,我感到茫然不知所措。
4. The baby _felt_ (feel) ignored by her parents. 那个婴儿感到被父母忽视了。
5. She _felt_ (feel) colour flame up in her cheeks. 她感到脸上火辣辣地红了起来。
1. So it surprised him enormously to learn that I had _felt_ (feel) hurt and betrayed when he left. 当他知道在他离开时,我曾经感到被伤害和背叛,他感到非常的震惊。
2. We had _felt_ (feel) an emptiness when our son and his family left. 儿子一家走了之后,我们觉得心里有些空落落的。
3. Then look at it again, and join your thoughts of the now with what you had _felt_ (fell) then. 然后再看一看,并且把你现在的思绪和你所感觉到的集中起来。
4. I had _felt_ (feel) this kind of passion only once before, when I first encountered the man who would be my husband. 这是除了对我丈夫以外,我第一次对另外个男人有这种感觉。
5. Alice had _felt_ (feel) sorry for him and he instantly smothered, patronized. 爱丽丝已经感到对不起他了。
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