1. They took up arms and _fought_(fight) for their faith and liberty. 他们拿起武器为信仰和自由而斗争。
2. A bitter battle was _fought_(fight) the whole of the day. 整个展开了一场激烈的战斗。
3. We also _fought_(fight) with other gangs. 我们还和其他帮派打架。
4. He remembered all of those who died and suffered, and every time he was honoured he knew it was for all of those who _fought_(fight). 他始终记得那些牺牲和受伤的人们,每次受到嘉奖时,他总认为荣誉属于那些与他一起并肩奋战过的人们。
1. I have already _fought_(fight) for that principle in court and will do so again in the future. 我已经在法庭中为了这个原则而战斗过,在将来也会继续如此。
2. The Libyan air campaign could not have been _fought_(fight) without American help. 离开美国的帮助,利比亚空战也无从展开。
3. Yes, terrible wars have been _fought_(fight), and atrocities committed. 是的,可怕的战争依然在进行,残暴依然在发生。
4. The wars would have been _fought_(fight) even without Napoleon. 如果没有拿破仑,这场战争也会发生。
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