1. The cross was _found_(find) in one of the forests of the Moscow region. 十字架是在莫斯科地区的一个森林中发现的。
2. He had no family, and was _found_(find) one day living among the chickens. 他没有家人,并且有天被人发现和鸡生活在一起。
3. It was _found_(find) at the bottom of the sea aboard an ancient Greek ship. 这是在大洋海底一艘古希腊船只上找到的东西。
4. The room was _found_(find) to be empty. 那个房间被发现是空的。
5. The teenager was _found_(find) by paramedics covered in blood at the entrance to a classroom. 护理人员在一间教室的门口发现了该少年,当时他浑身是血。
1. "We should just be happy that these pieces have been _found_(find). The question of ownership is relatively unimportant," he added. “我们应该只管为这些雕塑能被发现而感到高兴,至于所有者的问题,相对来说没有那么重要”他补充说。
2. There are only four areas where very many diamonds have been _found_(find). 在全世界只有四个地区发现有大量的钻石。
3. Few fossilised human foot bones have been _found_(find). 发现的人类脚部骨骼化石很少。
4. To date no other symptomatic contacts have been _found_(find). 截至目前,尚未发现其它有症状的接触者。
5. So far this year, about 900 illegal migrants have been _found_(find) at sea near Australia - four times the number for all of 2008. 到目前为止,今年已在澳大利亚海域附件发现了大约900名非法移民——是2008年总数的四倍。
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