1. The soldiers _bled_(bleed) for the cause. 战士们为事业而流血牺牲。
2. I know that my son could have survived but my son _bled_(bleed) to death. 我知道我的儿子本来能活下来,但是,却流血而死。
3. The men's lips were so dry that they _bled_(bleed) as if they had been cut with knives. 他们的嘴唇干得流血,就好像是被刀子划了一样。
4. And who wants to describe how her son was thrown from a car and slowly _bled_(bleed) to death by the side of the road? 谁会想要描述他们的儿子是如何从车中被甩出来,在路边慢慢地流血至死呢?
1. She had _bled_(bleed) to death. 她最后流血至死。
2. He had _bled_(bleed) like a cow in a Moslem slaughter-house and there was a great pool of blood by the side of the road. 他的血像穆斯林屠宰场的牛一样流得多,公路边积了一大滩。
3. I have _bled_(bleed) for this magazine. 我为这个杂志呕心沥血。
4. Have you ever _bled_(bleed) in a fight? 你在战斗中流过血吗?
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