1. The dust _blew_ (blow) into my eyes. 灰尘吹入了我的双眼。
2. The papers _blew_ (blow) out of the window. 报纸被风从窗户吹了出来。
3. A pile of leaves _blew_ (blow) into the house. 一堆树叶被风吹进了房子。
4. The fire flamed out when the wind _blew_ (blow) again. 又刮起了风,于是火又重新燃烧。
5. And the media _blew_ (blow) these rumors out of proportion. 只有媒体才能在这块土地上吹熄谣言。
1. The wind has _blown_ (blow) apples down. 风刮落了树上的苹果。
2. All the efforts have been _blown_ (blow) away. 整个努力告吹了。
3. Then I remembered how I had _blown_ (blow) the hair away from that neck. 这时我想起我是怎样把那绺头发从那脖子上吹起。
4. Many trees had been _blown_ (blow) by the strong winds, blocking roads, paths and railway lines. 大风刮到了许多树,阻塞了大小的道路和铁路线。
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