1. All of these types of carrot have been specially _bred_(breed). 所有这些类型胡萝卜都是经过专门繁殖。
2. All this has _bred_(breed) more fear and more mistrust. 所有这一切将滋生出更多恐惧和疑虑。
3. Cloned animals are more likely to die during pregnancy and after birth than those that are _bred_(breed) naturally. 跟自然繁殖的动物相比,克隆动物更可能在怀孕期间和出生后死亡。
1. This had _bred_(breed) a warm and enduring response. 这已经养成一种亲密而持久的感应。
2. I have eternally lost my mother who had _bred_ (breed) me. 我永远失去了养育了我的母亲。
3. These online caricature had _bred_ (breed) one swarm dutiful young reader. 这些在线漫画已经培育了一大群忠实的年轻读者。
4. His honest, warm, and intelligent nature shook off rapidly the clouds of ignorance and degradation in which it had been _bred_(breed). 他那诚实的、温和的、懂事的天性很快地摆脱了自小沾染的愚昧与堕落的困境。
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