1. He headed for me after I _called_(call) him. 叫了他一声之后,他朝我走过来了。
2. I _called_(call) after you, but you did not hear. 我在后面叫你,但是你没有听到。
3. He was _called_(call) out of town. 他被叫出城去。
4. That night I _called_(call) to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie. 那天晚上我打电话给她,邀请她出来与我共进晚餐,一起去看电影。
5. He _called_(call) and thanked me for working on it. 他和我通话,感谢我为此所做的努力。
1. Have you _called_(call) him? 你打过他的电话了?
2. Objects of sheerest beauty they have been _called_(call). 冰山具有最纯粹的美,人们如是说。
3. My friend Jennifer had _called_(call) to see if I'd be interested. 我的朋友杰妮芙打电话来问我有没有兴趣。
4. And I told you I had _called_(call) this room with the balcony. 好了,我告诉过你我占了这个有阳台的房间了。
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