1. Three bodies were _cast_(cast) up yesterday. 昨天有三具尸体被冲上岸来。
2. They _cast_(cast) off their boat yesterday morning. 他们昨天上午解缆启航。
3. She has _cast_(cast) her old friends aside. 她一有了钱便马上抛弃了所有的朋友。
4. She is deliberately driving herself into exhaustion in an attempt to get rid of the shadow divorce has _cast_(cast) over her mind. 她在拼命地工作,使自己精疲力竭,试图消除离婚给她心里留下的阴影。
5. He has often _cast_(cast) this brook. 他常在这小河边垂钓。
1. If you feel you have been _cast_(cast) as the victim, remember that you agreed to take that role. 如果你感到你被强迫成为一个受害者,记住那是你同意去担任那样的角色。
2. True, they have tried, but their efforts have been _cast_(cast) in the pattern of an outworn tradition. 的确,他们也曾努力过。但是,他们用的是一种完全过时的传统方法。
3. You are so unlike your elder sister in form and features and temperament, that you seem to have been _cast_(cast) in a different mold. 你的体型、容貌以及气质和你的姐姐一点也不像,你就像是另一个模子铸出来似的。
4. Secondly, new lights have been _cast_(cast) on the nature and historical role of productive force. 第二是对生产力本质和历史作用的重新认定。
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