1. After that, the Stone Age family always _cooked_(cook) their food on the fire. 在那之后,石器时代家庭总是在火上煮他们的食品。
2. Korean barbecue features thin slices of beef or pork _cooked_(cook) and served with rice. 韩国烧烤以煮过的牛肉或者猪肉薄片就这大米吃为特点。
3. The food was _cooked_(cook) last night. 食物是昨天晚上煮的。
4. Food was very simple - mainly cassava and matooke, which was _cooked_(cook) over an open fire. 食品非常简单,主要是木薯和大香蕉,在露天烹制。
5. When we got home, we also got a chance to drink some delicious soup which was _cooked_(cook) by my wife. 当我们回到家时,我们还喝到了我妻子煲得美味汤。
1. I prefer dumplings which have just been _cooked_(cook). 我喜欢吃刚刚煮出来的汤团。
2. These things have not been _cooked_(cook) yet. 这些东西都还没煮过。
3. I prefer dumplings that have just been _cooked_(cook). 我喜欢刚做出来的苹果布丁。
4. The meat had _cooked_(cook) too long and lost its savour. 这块肉煮得太久,已失去味道。
5. We had _cooked_(cook) for New Years eve the night before and the staff had been allowed to stay at the hotel for the night. 而前一天我们刚做了年夜饭,员工们可以在酒店过夜。
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