1. How _dared_(dare) they do such a thing? 他们怎么敢做出这样的事?
2. She _dared_(dare) me to sue her. 她问我敢不敢去控告她。
3. Now you deliberately seek out difficult and complex challenges that you only _dared_(dare) to dream about in the past. 现在你刻意的去寻找困难而复杂的挑战,在过去你只敢去梦想它们。
4. She _dared_(dare) not even mention that gentleman. 于是她提也不敢提到那位先生。
1. Whenever their children asked him about it, he'd always hushed them, and somehow none of the kids had _dared_(dare) ask their mother. 此前,无论孩子们怎么问,约翰总是吓止住他们,孩子们就再也不敢问妈妈的黄丝带了。
2. She had _dared_(dare) to cast a slur on his character. 她竟敢对他的人品加以诋毁。
3. Who had _dared_(dare) to wound you? 谁竟敢伤害你?
4. He believed in Truth, and had _dared_(dare) to speak up. 他相信真理,并且有勇气站出来说话。
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