1. Some called for the young man to be _dealt_(deal) with by authorities. 一些人要求当局对这个年轻人进行处理。
2. How have you _dealt_(deal) with this? 你是如何处理这个情况的?
3. You _dealt_(deal) with an awkward situation very tactfully. 你很巧妙地处理了一个困难的局面。
4. I just had some issues. I _dealt_(deal) with it. 我就是遇到了点问题,不过我处理了。
1. On the face of it, their troubles are few: in 20 years of radical change all the obvious economic issues have been _dealt_(deal) with. 摆在台面山的困难只有几个,因为经过过去二十年的巨大改革,所有明显的经济问题都得到了解决。
2. These problems have been _dealt_(deal) with in considerable detail. 这些问题已相当详细地作了讨论。
3. Some local officials who used regulations to bilk the public have been _dealt_(deal) with harshly. 一些利用法规蒙骗公众的地方官员已经受到严厉的处罚。
4. A few persons who have advocated bourgeois liberalization and violated state law have been _dealt_(deal) with according to law. 我们依法处理过几个人,他们的问题实际上是搞自由化并且触犯了刑律。
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