1. He _did_(do) it all out of kindness. 他做这事完全出于好意。
2. But I _did_(do) tell you about the examination! 但我确实告诉过你有关考试的事。
3. Everyone helped and it was good that they _did_(do). 每个人都来帮忙,这样做是件好事。
4. What _did_(do) he do to her? 他对她干了些什么?
5. He hit out at me before I _did_(do). 在我想打他之前,他猛击了我一拳。
1. We must see what can be _done_(do). 我们应该看看有什么能做的。
2. He has _done_(do) wrong but repented. 他做错了事,但已悔悟。
3. Every day the teacher checks to see if the students have _done_(do) their homework. 老师每天都要检查一下看看学生是否做了家庭作业。
4. You may go, provided your work is _done_(do). 只要你做完工作就可以走了。
5. We have _done_(do) them down. 我们已把他们击败了。
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