1. He _gave_(give) his books to the school. 他把他的藏书捐赠给了学校。
2. She botched up every job we _gave_(give) her. 她把我们给她的每件工作都弄糟了。
3. His speech _gave_(give) us some enlightenment. 他的发言给我们一些启迪。
4. The book you _gave_(give) me is now on the bookshelf. 你给我的那本书现在在书架上。
5. He _gave_(give) me his glass and I refilled it. 他将玻璃杯递给我,我又给他斟满一杯。
1. She specified that she be _given_(give) her son. 她提出把儿子交给她抚养作为条件。
2. She wondered why they hadn't _given_(give) her an answer. 她纳闷儿为什么他们没给她回信。
3. You should have _given_(give) us notice! 你应该先给我们通知的!
4. He would have _given_(give) me two for it, at least one. 他可以在多给我两个人,至少有一个。
5. He must have _given_(give) you his card. 他一定已经给了你他的名片。
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