1. She _had_(have) trouble without end. 她有无穷的烦恼。
2. She _had_ (have) a boy by her first husband. 她与她的第一个丈夫有一男孩。
3. He _had_ (have) three children to support. 他有三个孩子要扶养。
4. They said they _had_ (have) margined up. 他们说他们已付保证金了。
5. They _had_ (have) the similar aims. 他们有相似的目标。
1. Mary _had_ (have) bread and milk for breakfast this morning. 玛丽今天早上早餐吃了面包和牛奶。
2. The book _had_ (have) been found before you called me. 这本书被发现之前,你打电话给我。
3. 10000 yuan _had_ (have) been lended to him by last month. 上个月我借给了他10000元。
4. The meat _had_ (have) been left out for days and had started to smell. 这肉放在外边已有好几天了, 都开始有臭味了。
5. She suspected the phone _had_ (have) been bugged. 她怀疑她的电话已被窃听了。
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