1. She _laughed_(laugh) and then showed it to all my colleagues. 她大笑,然后把信拿给所有同事看。
2. All the boys _laughed_(laugh) to hear the good news. 听到这个好消息之后,所有的男孩都笑了。
3. When I asked about vegetables and salads, they _laughed_(laugh). 我问他们有关蔬菜和沙拉,他们却笑了。
4. The audience _laughed_(laugh) the performer out of the theatre. 观众用哄笑把那个表演者赶出了剧场。
1. The workmen were moved, and the people who had _laughed_(laugh) at him felt sorry for being so mean. 工人们都被感动了,那些曾经嘲笑智者大师的人也为自己的自私感到羞愧。
2. Asked one last time why he will race on, he had _laughed_(laugh) softly. 当我最后一次问他为什么要继续赛车时,他轻声地笑了。
3. I had asked them what to bring and they had _laughed_(laugh) it off. 我问过她们要带些什么,她们一笑回绝了。
4. It is a long story. Basically, she thought I had _laughed_(laugh) her while I didn't. 说来话长了,简单的说呢,她误认为我嘲笑过她。其实我没有。
5. He had _laughed_(laugh) at those who died with prayers on their lips. 他曾嘲笑过那些临刑前还在念念有词地做着祷告的人。
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