1. He jotted down a note for her and then _left_ (leave). 他匆匆为她写下了一个条子然后离开了。
2. He _left_ (leave) Dalian only yesterday. 他昨天才离开大连。
3. On the third lap he _left_ (leave) the other runners far behind. 跑到第三圈,他已经把别人远远地抛在后面了。
4. Her husband _left_ (leave) the firm for a better position in a bank. 她丈夫离开这个公司在一家银行谋到了一个更好的职位。
5. He brushed by me when he _left_ (leave) his room. 当他离开房间时,他从我身旁擦过。
1. Many visitors say they have been _left_ (leave) with a profound impression of her life and the times in which she lived, and deeply touched by it. 很多游客都谈到他们对女王的生活及其所处的时代留下了无法磨灭的印象,并被女王的故事所深深感动.
2. He has _left_ (leave) Beijing for London. 他已经离开北京到伦敦去了。
3. He has _left_ (leave) his memories and happiness in this beautiful school. 他在这个美丽的校园留下了欢乐与美好的回忆。
4. The image of death has _left_ (leave) you. 死亡的影像已经远离了你。
5. "We do not have any information that he has _left_ (leave) the country, " a spokesman said.“我们没有关于他离开这个国家的任何消息,”一位发言人说。
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