1. Tom _lied_ (lie) to the boss about his work. 汤姆就自己的工作情况对老板撒谎。
2. She _lied_ (lie) the old man out of his money. 她骗取老人的钱财。
3. He _lied_ (lie) about his reasons for being late. 他谎报了迟到的原因。
4. How I regretted having _lied_ (lie) to her! 我真不该对她撒谎,我多么后悔呀!
5. "I don't know where they went." I _lied_ (lie). “我不知道他们去哪里了。”我撒了一个谎。
1. In short, if you tell children that lying is the worst thing you can do, what will they think when they find out that you have _lied_ (lie) to them? 简单地说,如果你对孩子们说说谎谎言是最糟糕的行为,当他们发现你对他们说谎的时候他们会怎么想?
2. When a person is anxious or fearful, including when they have _lied_ (lie) and fear detection, then they may well sweat more. 人焦虑或者害怕的时候,包括说谎、面临恐惧的时候,会出更多的汗。
3. Since you have _lied_ (lie) to us in the past, you should not wonder that we doubt your veracity. 既然你过去曾对我们说过谎,对于我们怀疑你的诚实就不应该感到惊讶。
4. They have _lied_ (lie) so often that no one believes them any more and, beset by remorse, they are eaten by their love. 她们说谎次数太多,以致别人不再相信她们了,她们后悔莫及地葬身于她们自己的爱情之中。
5. In order to cover up your misdeeds you have _lied_ (lie) and hurt other people, but in reality, the person you've hurt most of all is yourself. 为了掩饰你们的错误行为你们撒谎,伤害其他人,但在现实生活中,你们伤害最大的人是你们自己。
1. He _lay_ (lie) huddled up in bed. 他躺在床上,蜷缩成一团。
2. Where. I _lay_ (lie) asleep under the darkness in the world. 在那里,我躺在暗夜的世界里睡着了。
3. He _lay_ (lie) down on his blanket. 他静静地躺在他的毛毯上。
4. They _lay_ (lie) down on the ground and let Queen step over them. 他们在地面上躺下而且让皇后在他们之上行走。
5. The little sick girl _lay_ (lie) all night between life and death until her fever was gone. 这个生病的小姑娘整夜躺在床上,处于生死关头,直到退烧才脱险。
1. In this pitiable state I must have _lain_ (lie) for what you call hours -- with us there are no hours, there is no time. 在那种可怜的情况下我大概躺了好几个小时,这是你们的说法--对我们而言,无所谓小时。 我们没有时间。
2. Several times lately I have _lain_ (lie) wakeful when there sounded the first note of the earliest lark; it makes me almost glad of my restless nights. 近来我多次躺着无法入睡,因为传来最早的云雀的第一声鸣叫;这使我几乎为自己的多少个不眠之夜感到欣然。
3. The watch-dog has _lain_ (lie) quiet on the hearth, and the cattle have stood silent in their stalls. 看家的狗在火炉旁边安静地躺着,牛羊在栏圈里一声不响地站着。
4. He was compelled to think this thought, or else there would not be any use to strive, and he would have _lain_ (lie) down and died. 他不得不这样想,不然,他就用不着这样拼命,他早就会躺下来死掉了。
5. The machines have _lain_ (lie) idle for weeks now. 这些机器已被闲置了几个星期。
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