1. He was _liked_(like) by all the children in the village. 村子里所有的孩子都很喜欢他。
2. He was _liked_(like) by all except those who wanted his position of service. 他受到很多人的爱戴。但是有一些想要他位子的人不喜欢他。
3. She _liked_(like) the head in her office with whom she stood in. 她喜欢办公室中对她有好感的那位领导。
4. But the more we talked, the more I _liked_(like) him. 但是我们谈话谈得越多,我就越喜欢他。
5. We all _liked_(like) him, and trusted him. 我们都很喜欢他,相信他。
1. I've always been into it. Have you always _liked_(like) classical music? 不怎么喜欢,我觉得流行音乐都没什么深度。
2. He kept thinking back to how he had _liked_(like) working in restaurants. 他不断想起以前如何喜欢在餐馆工作。
3. At first, Leonard had _liked_(like) staying at her apartment building. 起初,伦纳德挺喜欢住在她的公寓楼里。
4. I had _liked_(like) a boy. 我真心喜欢过一个人。
5. He felt nostalgia for his childhood, so he ate some ice cream he had _liked_(like) back then. 他很怀念小时候的日子,因此吃了一些他当时喜欢的冰淇淋。
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