1. If I ever _hurt_(hurt) any of you, it was not my intention. 如果我曾伤害到你们中的哪个人,我想说我不是有意的。
2. The paper said four men were _hurt_(hurt) yesterday. 报上说昨天有四个人受了伤。
3. She has gone to hospital. She had her leg _hurt_(hurt) yesterday. 她去了医院,昨天把脚伤了。
4. He charged into a tree and _hurt_(hurt) his head yesterday evening. 昨天晚上他撞到一棵树上,头部受了伤。
5. He was _hurt_(hurt) in the traffic accident yesterday. 他在昨天的交通事故中受伤了。
1. But how many have been _hurt_(hurt)? 但是多少人被伤害?
2. If you have been _hurt_(hurt) in the past it can be difficult to trust again, but it is an important part of any relationship. 如果你曾经受过伤,那么你会觉得很难再次相信别人,但是信任是任何一种关系中至关重要的一部分。
3. Don't wait to know your mistakes until others have been _hurt_(hurt). 不要等到别人受伤了,才明白自己的过错。
4. It seems totally unfair that we should have to forgive when we're the ones who have been _hurt_(hurt). 由于我们是被伤害的,所以就得原谅别人,这听起来似乎毫无公平可言。
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