1. He was maddened by the pain and _jumped_(jump) out of the window. 痛苦把他折磨得发狂,他从窗子跳了出去。
2. My new horse _jumped_(jump) and lifted her front feet high in the air. 我的新马跳跃而且举起了高的在空气中的她前面的脚。
3. They _jumped_(jump) the gate and ran on, up the path toward the sound. 它们跳过大门后沿着小路朝着那声音的来源奔去。
4. He _jumped_(jump) up from the table, grabbed his hat and ran out of the door. 他从桌子旁跳了起来,抓起自己的帽子,奔出门去。
5. He _jumped_(jump) up hurriedly and looked towards the voice. 他立刻跳起来,向发出声音的方向望去。
1. Both said that the cost of a tomato had _jumped_(jump) 300 percent. 两家超市都称西红柿价格已飙升了300%。
2. I knew that my English had _jumped_(jump) to another level. 我知道我的英语水平已经更上一层楼了!
3. The thief had _jumped_(jump) out of the window before the police broke in. 警察还没来得及破门进入,小偷就已跳窗逃窜了。
4. We had floated about 37 km from where we had _jumped_(jump) in. 我们从跳海处已经漂流了37公里。
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