1 Zip:My favourite TV show is on soon.Let's watch it.Do you have any popcorn?
1 次波:我最喜爱的电视节目马上就开始了。让我们看吧。你有爆米花吗?
Zoom:I'll go and make some.
2 Zip:I can't wait.I love popcorn.I'm so happy!
2 次波:我等不及了。我喜欢爆米花。我太高兴了!
3 Zip:He must be making lots of popcorn.Yum!
3 次波:他一定是正在做很多爆米花。太美味了!
4 Zip:Where is he? I'm a little worried riow. I'll go and check.
4 次波:他在哪儿?我现在有一点儿担心。我要去查看一下。
5 Zip:Oh! Zoom,what are you doing here?
5 次波:哦!祖姆,你在这儿做什么呢?
Zoom:I'm making popcorn.
6 Zoom:Oh,don't be angry! Count to ten and take a deep breath.Well,I planted the popcorn seeds. But they take a long time to grow.I'm still waiting.
6 祖姆:哦,不要生气!数到十,并深深吸一口气。好了,我种了爆米花种子。但是它们要生长很长一段时间。我还在等。
Zip:Oooooh noooo!
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