1 Amy:It's so good to see you,Annie!
1 埃米:见到你真是太好了,安妮!
Annie:You too,Amy.I missed you.
2 Annie:Wow.Chinese food is so different from British food.
2 安妮:哇,中国食物和英国食物是如此的不同。
Amy:Yes.Can you use chopsticks?
Annie:No.I can't.
3 Amy:Let's take a bus home.We must cross the road.In the UK you drive on the left side.In China,people drive on the right side.
3 埃米:让我们乘公共汽车回家吧。我们必须横穿马路。在英国,你们在左边驾驶。在中国,人们在右边驾驶。
4 Annie:I see.We must look right before crossing the road.
4 安妮:我明白了。我们在横穿马路前必须看看右边。
Amy:No,first left and then right!
5 Amy:Look,the bus is over there!
5 埃米:看,公共汽车在那边!
Annie:Wow,it's a double-decker! The same as in London.
6 Annie:Where is the door? Amy,there is no door on the bus!
6 安妮:门在哪儿?埃米,公共汽车上没有门!
Amy:Haha,you're looking at the wrong side again!
TAXI 出租汽车
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