1Study skills部分翻译
Making charts
We can use charts to organize our ideas when we write. This helps us see and understand the ideas better. We can also use charts to make notes of a piece of writing.
When we make charts, we clo not need to use complete sentences.
We can use the following chart to show people what the website "Around the World in Eight Hours" is about.
Millie is making a chart to introduce an onlirie course to her classmates. Help her use the chart to organize her ideas. Write the letters in the boxes.
a an online course 一门在线课程
b asking the way 问路
c booling tickets and hotels 预定票和宾馆
d Daily English 日常英语
e ordering meals 订餐
f seeing a doctor 看病
g shopping 购物
h using English in daily communication 在日常交际中使用英语
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